Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good Advice for the Sheeple

Yesterday I interviewed Kyle Turley on my metal radio show, Annie Christ's Metal Monday. At first, we concentrated on his music and his CD "Anger Management." We touched on his pro football career and the charity he raises money for. The last 15 minutes (or so) of the interview took a very different tone. Turley basically schooled us all on his beliefs and on what we need to open our eyes to. I was not expecting such an amazing and interesting rant from this guy. And whether you like his music or not, this is well worth a listen - especially if you care about what is right and wrong. I'd love to hear your comments. Do you agree with what Turley says at the end of the interview?

Listen to internet radio with Annie Christ on Blog Talk Radio

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The things you learn doing a metal radio show!

Yesterday's blog talk show was possibly the craziest I have ever experienced. Sure, it started out innocent enough. I devoted the entire hour to the band Death Benefit from California/NC and we played some songs and talked about the bands CD that's out now.

Then, we got a call from the Lizard Messiah.

What happened next - well, I can only say was - educational. Until yesterday I had no idea what a Rusty Trombone or Chillidog was! Seriously. Now, I unfortunately also know what a Pink Slipper and a Dolphin is too. UGH

Here are two links for the live video feed I did (I got booted by Ustream and had to start the stream again.)I think you can see the shock on my face when I find out what the hell the guys are really talking about.

Metal Monday 6/7/10 - Pt.1
Metal Monday 6/7/10 - Pt. 2

Saturday, June 5, 2010

3 Videos to check out

All of these videos talk about what we are trying to do with our new group AND the music industry in particular - ASCAP, etc.

They are about 20 minutes long each and very much worth the time!!!!

I'd love to get reactions to these videos.
Email me with your opinions.

Love ya,